Lib TraceWin

Some example use cases…

See also the API Documentation

Example 1

Read in plt file, write dst file for each location:

>>> from ess import lib_tw

>>> file_name_lat = 'testfiles/lattice.dat'
>>> file_name_lat_new = 'lattice.adjusted.dat'
>>> file_name_fmap = [f'testfiles/Field_Maps/{f}' for f in ['Spoke_W_coupler.edz','MB_W_coupler.edz','HB_W_coupler.edz']]
>>> file_name_st = 'testfiles/Steerer_Values.txt'
>>> file_name_adj = 'testfiles/Adjusted_Values.txt'

>>> lat = lib_tw.LATTICE(file_name_lat, file_name_fmap)
>>> # Updates based on Steerer_Values:
>>> lat.update_st(file_name_st)
>>> # Updates based on Adjusted_Values:
>>> lat.update_adj(file_name_adj)

>>> lat.get_tw(file_name_lat_new)

>>> #-- reset all steerers to 0 ...
>>> for i in range(len(lat.lst)):
...     if lat.lst[i].typ=='THIN_STEERING': lat.lst[i].BLx=0.0; lat.lst[i].BLy=0.0
...     if lat.lst[i].typ=='STEERER'      : lat.lst[i].Bx =0.0; lat.lst[i].By =0.0

Example 2

lib_tw includes a function to convert loss/elem to loss/elem-length:

# Note:
# - For a density file, be careful with the number of runs.
# - The instances for losses are "loss_pow", "loss_num", "loss_pow_ave", and etc for DENSITY class.
# - For PARTRAN class, loss_elem2den function is already implemented as a method.
# - If file_name_dt isn't given, the half-cell lengths are used instead of drift-tube lnegths.
# - dlt_dt is a small number used to identify DTL_CEL elements. (Play with this number is there is an error message.)
# - An example to make a bar plot with an output file of this script can be found in

from ess import lib_tw

file_name_den ='density_file_name'

file_name_dt  ='len.dt_dtl.v85.txt'  # File with (half cell length) vs (drift tube length) for DTL cells

#-- An example for a density file

s_from_den   =den.s
loss_from_den=den.loss_pow         # For a file w/ single run
#loss_from_den=den.loss_pow[Nrun]  # For a file w/ multi runs (e.g., file from an error study)


# Note len(s_from_den) = len(loss_den_from_den) when writing to a file.

#-- An example for a partran out file



# Note len(ptrn.s) = len(loss_den_from_ptrn) when writing to a file.

Example 3

This example shows how lib_tw can be used to manipulate the lattice

# -- Lib

import numpy as np
from typing import List

from ess import lib_tw

# -- Input

path_name_lat = "lattice.dat"
path_name_lat_tmp = "lattice_tmp.dat"

path_name_res = "tracewin.out"

# -- How to use the LATTICE class

lat = lib_tw.LATTICE(path_name_lat)

# -- Pick up the line # (I'm calling "idx") and elem # (I'm calling "idx_elem") of SPK field maps

idx_spk = []
idx_elem_spk = []
for lat_i in lat.lst:
    if lat_i.typ == "FIELD_MAP":
        if lat_i.name_fmap == "Spoke_W_coupler":

# # This does the same thing...
# for i in range(len(lat.lst)):
#     if lat.lst[i].typ=='FIELD_MAP':
#         if lat.lst[i].name_fmap=='Spoke_W_coupler':
#             idx_spk.append(i)
#             idx_elem_spk.append(lat.lst[i].idx_elem)

print("idx (line #) of SPK field maps (starting from 0):")
print(idx_spk, "\n")
print("idx_elem (elem # of) SPK field maps (starting from 0):")
print(idx_elem_spk, "\n")

# -- Give a name "SPK2" to the 2nd SPK and pick up its idx and idx_elem from the name

lat.lst[idx_spk[1]].name = "SPK2"

for lat_i in lat.lst:
    if == "SPK2":
        idx_spk2 = lat_i.idx
        idx_elem_spk2 = lat_i.idx_elem
        print("idx (line #) of 2nd SPK:", idx_spk2)
        print("idx_elem (elem #) of 2nd SPK:", idx_elem_spk2, "\n")

# -- Introduce an error command

err_comm_name = "MY_ERROR_COMMAND"
err_comm_typ = "ERROR_CAV_NCPL_STAT"  # I know it's redundant but we also need this for now...
err_comm_para = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]  # This also works: err_comm_para=[0]*100

err_comm = lib_tw.lib_tw_elem.ERROR_CAV_NCPL_STAT(err_comm_name, err_comm_typ, err_comm_para)

print("This is how it looks in the TraceWin syntax:")
print(err_comm.get_tw(), "\n")

# -- Change parameters of the error command

err_comm.typ_dist = "0"  # To make sure the dist type is constant
err_comm.E = 2e-2  # To introduce 2% field error
err_comm.phs_rf = 3.0 * np.pi / 180.0  # To introduce 3 deg phase error

print("This is how the command looks after the changes:")
print(err_comm.get_tw(), "\n")

# -- Insert the command in front of the 2nd SPK with the index "idx_spk2"

print("This is how the lattice looks around the 2nd SPK looks originally:")
for i in range(idx_spk2 - 2, idx_spk2 + 3):

lat.lst.insert(idx_spk[1], err_comm)  # This does the insertion
lat.update_idx()  # "magic word" to update idx and idx_elem

# Update idx and idx_elem of SPK2
for lat_i in lat.lst:
    if == "SPK2":
        idx_spk2 = lat_i.idx
        idx_elem_spk2 = lat_i.idx_elem
        print("idx (line #) of 2nd SPK after the insertion:", idx_spk2)
        print("idx_elem (elem #) of 2nd SPK after the insertion:", idx_elem_spk2, "\n")
print("Note idx is +1 but no change for idx_elem (since we inserted a command).\n")

print("This is how the lattice looks around the 2nd SPK after the change:")
for i in range(idx_spk2 - 2, idx_spk2 + 3):

# -- Save the new lattice to a file


# --


# -- Steerers

# Indices of steerers (can be done with names??) and append max to THIN_STEERING
idx_st_x: List[int] = []
idx_st_y: List[int] = []
for i in range(len(lat.lst)):
    if lat.lst[i].typ == "STEERER":
        for j in range(i)[::-1]:
            if lat.lst[j].typ == "ADJUST_STEERER":
            if lat.lst[j].typ == "ADJUST_STEERER_BY":
            if lat.lst[j].typ == "ADJUST_STEERER_BX":
            if lat.lst[j].idx_elem != lat.lst[i].idx_elem:
    # THIN_STEERING (assuming the same for x and y for the dual plane ones)
    if lat.lst[i].typ == "THIN_STEERING":
        for j in range(i)[::-1]:
            if lat.lst[j].typ == "ADJUST":
                lat.lst[i].max = lat.lst[j].max
                if lat.lst[j].var == 1:
                if lat.lst[j].var == 2:
            if lat.lst[j].idx_elem != lat.lst[i].idx_elem - 1:

# Indices of physical steerer locations for STEERER (later to extract L and s)
idx_st_x_elem = []
for i in idx_st_x:
    if lat.lst[i].typ == "THIN_STEERING":
    if lat.lst[i].typ == "STEERER":
        for j in range(i + 1, len(lat.lst)):
            if lat.lst[j].idx_elem == lat.lst[i].idx_elem + 1:
idx_st_y_elem = []
for i in idx_st_y:
    if lat.lst[i].typ == "THIN_STEERING":
    if lat.lst[i].typ == "STEERER":
        for j in range(i + 1, len(lat.lst)):
            if lat.lst[j].idx_elem == lat.lst[i].idx_elem + 1:

# Check max is defined
for i in set(idx_st_x + idx_st_y):
    if lat.lst[i].max <= 0:
            "Max B/BL not defined for elem #",
            str(lat.lst[i].idx_elem + 1),
            ". Exiting...",

# -- BPMs

idx_bpm_x = [i for i in range(len(lat.lst)) if lat.lst[i].typ == "DIAG_POSITION"]
idx_bpm_y = idx_bpm_x[:]


# Remove redundant BPMs to avoid over-constraint (not necessarily generic...)
k = 0
while k < len(idx_bpm_x):
    if len([i for i in idx_st_x if i < idx_bpm_x[k]]) < k + 1:
        del idx_bpm_x[k]
        k += 1
k = 0
while k < len(idx_bpm_y):
    if len([i for i in idx_st_y if i < idx_bpm_y[k]]) < k + 1:
        del idx_bpm_y[k]
        k += 1


idx_elem_bpm_x = [lat.lst[i].idx_elem for i in idx_bpm_x]
idx_elem_bpm_y = [lat.lst[i].idx_elem for i in idx_bpm_y]


# To do 1-to-1 with the "twist" pattern

# idx_elem_bpm[7],idx_elem_bpm[8]=idx_elem_bpm[8],idx_elem_bpm[7]


# YL comment: code below is broken (step_x, step_y, Nrun and more not defined)
# Commented out so the flake8 test doesn't fail

# # -- Define indices for blocks of R-matrix from "step" (may be too much...)

# block_x = []
# for k in range(len(step_x) + 1):
#     if int(sum(step_x[:k])) >= len(idx_bpm_x):
#         block_x.append(len(idx_bpm_x))
#         break
#     else:
#         block_x.append(int(sum(step_x[:k])))
# if block_x[-1] < len(idx_bpm_x):
#     block.append(len(idx_bpm_x))
# block_y = []
# for k in range(len(step_y) + 1):
#     if int(sum(step_y[:k])) >= len(idx_bpm_y):
#         block_y.append(len(idx_bpm_y))
#         break
#     else:
#         block_y.append(int(sum(step_y[:k])))
# if block_y[-1] < len(idx_bpm_y):
#     block.append(len(idx_bpm_y))

# # -- R matrix

# Rx = Pool(Ncpu).map(Rx_column, range(len(idx_st_x)))
# Ry = Pool(Ncpu).map(Ry_column, range(len(idx_st_y)))

# Rx = np.array(Rx).transpose()
# Ry = np.array(Ry).transpose()

# if len(Rx) > len(Rx[0]):
#     print("[# of BPMs] > [# of steerers] for x, exiting...")
#     exit()
# if len(Ry) > len(Ry[0]):
#     print("[# of BPMs] > [# of steerers] for y, exiting...")
#     exit()
# if len(Rx) < len(Rx[0]):
#     print("[# of BPMs] < [# of steerers] for x, exiting...")
#     exit()
# if len(Ry) < len(Ry[0]):
#     print("[# of BPMs] < [# of steerers] for y, exiting...")
#     exit()

# # -- Main part

# data = Pool(Ncpu).map(job, range(Nrun))
# data = np.array(data).transpose()

# s = data[0][0]
# x = np.array(data[1].tolist()).transpose()  # array not applied to the 3rd level ??
# y = np.array(data[2].tolist()).transpose()  # array not applied to the 3rd level ??
# BLy = np.array(data[3].tolist()).transpose()  # array not applied to the 3rd level ??
# BLx = np.array(data[4].tolist()).transpose()  # array not applied to the 3rd level ??

# # -- Writing

# # x
# with open("x.out", "w") as file:
#     # Header
#     file.write("s  ")
#     for n in range(Nrun):
#         file.write("x%03d  " % n)
#     file.write("\n")
#     # Data
#     for k in range(len(s)):
#         file.write("%.4f  " % s[k])
#         for n in range(Nrun):
#             file.write("%.5f  " % x[k][n])
#         file.write("\n")

# # y
# with open("y.out", "w") as file:
#     # Header
#     file.write("s  ")
#     for n in range(Nrun):
#         file.write("y%03d  " % n)
#     file.write("\n")
#     # Data
#     for k in range(len(s)):
#         file.write("%.4f  " % s[k])
#         for n in range(Nrun):
#             file.write("%.5f  " % y[k][n])
#         file.write("\n")

# # x steering (BLy [Gm])
# with open("st.x.out", "w") as file:
#     # Header
#     file.write("##  s  ")
#     for n in range(Nrun):
#         file.write("BLy%03d  " % n)
#     file.write("\n")
#     # Data
#     for k in range(len(idx_st_x)):
#         file.write("%03d  " % (k + 1) + "%.4f  " % lat.lst[idx_st_x_elem[k]].s)
#         for n in range(Nrun):
#             file.write("%.4f  " % (1e4 * BLy[k][n]))
#         file.write("\n")

# # y steering (BLx [Gm])
# with open("st.y.out", "w") as file:
#     # Header
#     file.write("##  s  ")
#     for n in range(Nrun):
#         file.write("BLx%03d  " % n)
#     file.write("\n")
#     # Data
#     for k in range(len(idx_st_y)):
#         file.write("%03d  " % (k + 1) + "%.4f  " % lat.lst[idx_st_y_elem[k]].s)
#         for n in range(Nrun):
#             file.write("%.4f  " % (1e4 * BLx[k][n]))
#         file.write("\n")

# -- Ending

# -- Obsolete

# def job(n):
#     '''
#         Arbitrary x step correction for the random seed seed[n].
#     '''
#     # Indices of sub-matrices, e.g., step=[8,7] => block=[8,15]
#     block=[]
#     for k in range(len(step)+1):
#         if int(sum(step[:k]))>=len(idx_elem_bpm): block.append(len(idx_elem_bpm )); break
#         else                                    : block.append(int(sum(step[:k])))
#     if block[-1]<len(idx_elem_bpm): block.append(len(idx_elem_bpm))

#     # Define child calc dir
#     path_cal_n=path_cal+'/tmp_'+str(n)

#     # Set-up TraceWin
#     opt_tw=setup_tw(path_cal_n,seed[n])
#     lat_n =LATTICE(path_cal_n+'/'+file_name_lat[::-1].partition('/')[0][::-1],[])

#     # Loop for steps
#     for b in range(len(block)-1):

#         # Borders of the sub-matrix
#         k0=block[b]; k1=block[b+1]

#         # Intermediate trajectory
#         lat_n.get_tw(path_cal_n+'/'+file_name_lat[::-1].partition('/')[0][::-1])
#         call(opt_tw,shell=True)
#         tw=PARTRAN(path_cal_n+'/tracewin.out')

#         # Temp R matrices, using only the [k0,k1-1] block
#         Rx_k=zeros((len(Rx),len(Rx[0]))); Rx_k[k0:k1,k0:k1]=Rx[k0:k1,k0:k1]  # Can't do this with a list
#         Ry_k=zeros((len(Ry),len(Ry[0]))); Ry_k[k0:k1,k0:k1]=Ry[k0:k1,k0:k1]  # Can't do this with a list

#         # Correction
#         st_x_nom=lstsq(Rx_k,[-tw.x[i] for i in idx_elem_bpm])[0]  # Can include BPM error here
#         st_y_nom=lstsq(Ry_k,[-tw.y[i] for i in idx_elem_bpm])[0]  # Can include BPM error here

#         # Apply correction
#         for k in range(k0,k1):
#             i=idx_st_x[k]; st_x=st_x_nom[k]*lat.lst[i].max
#             if lat_n.lst[i].typ=='STEERER'      : lat_n.lst[i].By =st_x
#             if lat_n.lst[i].typ=='THIN_STEERING': lat_n.lst[i].BLy=st_x
#             i=idx_st_y[k]; st_y=st_y_nom[k]*lat.lst[i].max
#             if lat_n.lst[i].typ=='STEERER'      : lat_n.lst[i].Bx =st_y
#             if lat_n.lst[i].typ=='THIN_STEERING': lat_n.lst[i].BLx=st_y

#     # Trajectory after correction
#     lat_n.get_tw(path_cal_n+'/'+file_name_lat[::-1].partition('/')[0][::-1])
#     call(opt_tw,shell=True)
#     tw=PARTRAN(path_cal_n+'/tracewin.out')

#     # Save steering strengths
#     BLy=[]; BLx=[]
#     for k in range(len(idx_st_x)):
#         i=idx_st_x[k]; j=idx_st_x_elem[k]
#         if lat_n.lst[i].typ=='STEERER'      : BLy.append(lat_n.lst[i].By *lat_n.lst[j].L)
#         if lat_n.lst[i].typ=='THIN_STEERING': BLy.append(lat_n.lst[i].BLy               )
#     for k in range(len(idx_st_y)):
#         i=idx_st_y[k]; j=idx_st_y_elem[k]
#         if lat_n.lst[i].typ=='STEERER'      : BLx.append(lat_n.lst[i].Bx *lat_n.lst[j].L)
#         if lat_n.lst[i].typ=='THIN_STEERING': BLx.append(lat_n.lst[i].BLx               )

#     # Clean
#     call('rm -rf '+path_cal_n,shell=True)
#     print 'job #'+str(n)+' done.'

#     return [tw.s,tw.x,tw.y,BLy,BLx]