
Main description of this module is not written yet

API Documentation

Classes and functions for TraceWin

  • Note for clean-up

    • Old LATTICE and MATCH classes can be deleted once trajectory correction is established with new classes.

class ess.lib_tw.DENSITY(file_name)[source]
  • Note instances are not identical for Nrun=1 and Nrun>1.

  • Be careful with # of steps for an envelope file.

  • When Nrun>1, ave and rms in a file are sum and squared sum.

  • Double check before a production !!!!

  • Dim of arrays:

    Nelem(Nidx): idx_elem, s, Nptcl, Ibeam

    4 x Nelem(Nidx): apt # x, y, dx, dy 3 x Nelem(Nidx): accpt # phs+, phs-, ken 7 x Nelem(Nidx): cent_(..), sig, xmax, xmin # x, y, phs, ken, r, z, dpp 3 x Nelem(Nidx): eps # x, y, phs

    Nrun x Nelem: loss Nelem : loss_num_(..), loss_pow_(..)

    Nelem x Nstep: den

  • History:

    • 2015.11.12: Baseline ver

    • 2016.03.29: Adapted to ver 9 (apt includes shifts)

class ess.lib_tw.DST(file_name, unit_x='cm', unit_px='rad', unit_z='rad', unit_pz='MeV')[source]

Class for a TraceWin’s .dst file.

  • TraceWin seems using beta and gamma for each particle so the conversion to (z,z’) is based on this assumption.


class ess.lib_tw.PARTRAN(file_name)[source]


  • The list not complete. Add parameters as needed.


  • 2016-02-17: Changed how to identify the line of indices.

  • 2016-02-17: Added a logic to avoid #/0 for LEBT.

  • 2020-08-28: Adopted to python3.

  • 2020-08-28: 99% emittance added.

  • 2020-08-28: alfz was wrong (in power of gamma) and fixed.

class ess.lib_tw.PROJECT(file_name_proj='proj.ini')[source]
  • This is for running multiple simulations 1-by-1 under 1 project.

  • Maybe not very useful…


ess.lib_tw.loss_elem2den(s, loss, file_name_dt='', dlt_dt=5e-06)[source]

This function calculates loss density [W/m] from s and loss together with the file of the DTL’s cell and DT lengths.


ess.lib_tw.partran_end_all(file_name_in_all, file_name_out)[source]
  • Reads multiple partran1.out files and extracts the data at the end.

  • The same format as partran1.out allows to be used by PARTRAN class.

  • The elem # is replaced with the file #.



Extract x and etc from a TraceWin’s binary .plt file. The units are (cm,rad,cm,rad,rad,MeV,loss).

Output: x (Nelem,Nptcl,7)

For binary characters see


ess.lib_tw.x2dst(x, mass, freq, Ibeam, path_file='part_dtl1_new.dst')[source]

Output a TraceWin’s .dst file from x and etc.

Input: x (Nptcl,6)

For binary characters see


ess.lib_tw.x2plt(x, mass, freq, Ibeam, i_unk, i_elem, s, phs, ken, path_file='dtl1_new.plt')[source]

Output a TraceWin’s .plt file from x and etc.

Input: x (Nelem,Nptcl,7)

For binary characters see



Calculate twiss from x. Note sig = sqrt(bet*eps).

Input : x (Nptcl,6) Output: eps,bet,alf,gam


ess.lib_tw.x2twiss_halo(x, sig_cut=None, None, None)[source]

Calculate twiss of halo particles (r > sig_cut). Note halo particles are different for each plane.

Input : x (Nptcl,6), sig_cut Output: eps,bet,alf,gam
