Source code for ess.lib_tw

    Classes and functions for TraceWin

    - Note for clean-up

      * Old LATTICE and MATCH classes can be deleted once trajectory
        correction is established with new classes.

# ---- Lib

import numpy

from struct import pack, unpack
from itertools import chain

from subprocess import check_output
import os
import sys

from . import lib_tw_elem

# -------- Classes

# ---- Lattice and project

class LATTICE:

    def __init__(self, file_name_lat, file_name_fmap=None, freq=352.21, gamma=1.0):
        :param file_name_lat: name of lattice file
        :type file_name_lat: str
        :param file_name_fmap: list of field map file(-s)
        :type file_name_fmap: list or str
        :param freq: RF frequency
        :type freq: float
        :param gamma: relativistic gamma
        :type gamma: float

        # In case file_name_fmap is str
        if file_name_fmap is None:
            file_name_fmap = []
        elif isinstance(file_name_fmap, str):
            file_name_fmap = [file_name_fmap]

        # Elem/comm class dict
        dic_cls = {
            "DRIFT": lib_tw_elem.DRIFT,
            "QUAD": lib_tw_elem.QUAD,
            "THIN_STEERING": lib_tw_elem.THIN_STEERING,
            "GAP": lib_tw_elem.GAP,
            "DTL_CEL": lib_tw_elem.DTL_CEL,
            "BEND": lib_tw_elem.BEND,
            "EDGE": lib_tw_elem.EDGE,
            "APERTURE": lib_tw_elem.APERTURE,
            "DIAG_POSITION": lib_tw_elem.DIAG_POSITION,
            "STEERER": lib_tw_elem.STEERER,
            "CHOPPER": lib_tw_elem.CHOPPER,
            "ADJUST": lib_tw_elem.ADJUST,
            "FREQ": lib_tw_elem.FREQ,
            "MARKER": lib_tw_elem.MARKER,
            "ERROR_BEAM_STAT": lib_tw_elem.ERROR_BEAM_STAT,
            "ERROR_BEAM_DYN": lib_tw_elem.ERROR_BEAM_DYN,
            "ERROR_QUAD_NCPL_STAT": lib_tw_elem.ERROR_QUAD_NCPL_STAT,
            "ERROR_QUAD_CPL_STAT": lib_tw_elem.ERROR_QUAD_CPL_STAT,
            "ERROR_CAV_NCPL_STAT": lib_tw_elem.ERROR_CAV_NCPL_STAT,
            "ERROR_CAV_NCPL_DYN": lib_tw_elem.ERROR_CAV_NCPL_DYN,
            "ERROR_CAV_CPL_STAT": lib_tw_elem.ERROR_CAV_CPL_STAT,
            "ERROR_CAV_CPL_DYN": lib_tw_elem.ERROR_CAV_CPL_DYN,
            "ERROR_STAT_FILE": lib_tw_elem.ERROR_STAT_FILE,
            "ERROR_DYN_FILE": lib_tw_elem.ERROR_DYN_FILE,

        # Field map dict
        dic_fmap = {}
        for file_name_fmap_i in file_name_fmap:
            name_fmap = ".".join(file_name_fmap_i.split("/")[-1].split(".")[:-1])  # Remove / and extension
            dic_fmap[name_fmap] = lib_tw_elem.FIELD_MAP_DATA(file_name_fmap_i)
        # In case the lattice file is in a different folder:
        basefolder = os.path.dirname(file_name_lat)
        if basefolder:
            _update_field_map_dict(dic_fmap, basefolder)

        # Go through the lat file
        with open(file_name_lat) as file:
            lst = []
            for lin in file:
                lin = lin.partition(";")[0]  # Remove comment
                if lin.split() != []:  # Remove empty line
                    # Split a line
                    if ":" in lin:
                        name = lin.partition(":")[0].split()[0]
                        typ = lin.partition(":")[2].split()[0].upper()
                        para = lin.partition(":")[2].split()[1:]
                        name = ""
                        typ = lin.split()[0].upper()
                        para = lin.split()[1:]
                    # Map to a class
                    if typ == "FIELD_MAP":
                        lst.append(lib_tw_elem.FIELD_MAP(name, typ, para, dic_fmap))
                    elif typ in dic_cls.keys():
                        lst.append(dic_cls[typ](name, typ, para))
                    elif "DIAG" in typ:
                        lst.append(lib_tw_elem.DIAG(name, typ, para))
                        lst.append(lib_tw_elem.COMM(name, typ, para))

                    # in case of field map path, update dictionary with new path
                    if typ == "FIELD_MAP_PATH":
                        _update_field_map_dict(dic_fmap, para[0])

                    # Break the loop
                    if typ == "END":

        # Instances
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.freq = freq
        self.lst = lst
        self.fmap = dic_fmap  # Maybe not needed ...

        # Assign idx, idx_elem, s, freq, apt

    def get_correctors_idx(self, i):
        Get correctors associated to corrector index i
        import logging

        found = False
        correctors = []
        for element in self.lst:
            if found:
                # WARNING I worry that there could be an inactive comment/element between the ADJUST and actual corrector
                logging.debug("Found element {} for corrector family {}".format(element.typ, i))
                found = False
            if isinstance(element, lib_tw_elem.COMM):
                if element.typ in ["ADJUST", "ADJUST_STEERER"]:
                    if int(element.para[0]) == i:  # next element is the corrector
                        found = True
        return correctors

    def get_elem_idx(self, i):
        Get a TraceWin index number

        Note: We start counting from 0, TW starts from 1
        for element in self.lst:
            if element.idx_elem == i - 1:
                return element

    def get_diag_idx(self, i):
        Get a list of DIAG that has the given index
        diags = []
        for element in self.lst:
            if isinstance(element, lib_tw_elem.DIAG):
                if element.idx_diag == i:
        return diags

    def get_steerer_for(self, idx_elem):
        Returns the steerer object for an element (e.g. quad)
        previous = None
        for element in self.lst:
            if element.idx_elem + 1 == idx_elem:
                if previous.typ == "STEERER":
                    return previous
                return None
            previous = element

    def update_idx(self):
        # Assign/update idx, idx_elem, s, freq
        for i in range(len(self.lst)):
            if i == 0:
                self.lst[0].idx = -1
                self.lst[0].idx_elem = -1
                self.lst[0].s = 0.0
                self.lst[0].freq = self.freq
            if i != 0:
                self.lst[i].idx = self.lst[i - 1].idx
                self.lst[i].idx_elem = self.lst[i - 1].idx_elem
                self.lst[i].s = self.lst[i - 1].s
                self.lst[i].freq = self.lst[i - 1].freq

        # Assign apt (using apt of the previous elem for diag elem)
        for i in range(len(self.lst)):
                if self.lst[i].apt is None:
                    if self.lst[i].idx_elem == 0:
                        for k in range(1, len(self.lst)):
                                if self.lst[k].apt is not None:
                                    self.lst[i].apt = self.lst[k].apt
                            except IndexError:
                        self.lst[i].apt = self.get_elem_idx(self.lst[i].idx_elem - 1).apt
            except AttributeError:

    def update_gamma(self):
        for i in range(len(self.lst)):
            if i == 0:
                self.lst[0].gamma = self.gamma
            if i != 0:
                self.lst[i].gamma = self.lst[i - 1].gamma
            if hasattr(self.lst[i], "update_gamma"):

    def update_st(self, file_name):
        Assign/update steerer values from "Steerer_Values.txt".
        # Extract BLx and BLy from the file
        with open(file_name, "r") as file:
            BLx = {}
            BLy = {}
            for lin in file:
                lin = lin.split()[3:]
                for i in range(len(lin)):
                    if lin[i] == ":":
                        idx_elem = int(lin[i - 1]) - 1  # "-1" since idx=0,1,2,...
                    if lin[i] == "BLx=":
                        BLx[idx_elem] = float(lin[i + 1])
                    if lin[i] == "BLy=":
                        BLy[idx_elem] = float(lin[i + 1])

        # Assign/update steerers
        for i in range(len(self.lst)):
            if self.lst[i].idx_elem in BLx:
                idx_elem = self.lst[i].idx_elem
                if self.lst[i].typ == "THIN_STEERING":
                    self.lst[i].BLx = BLx[idx_elem]
                    self.lst[i].BLy = BLy[idx_elem]
                if self.lst[i].typ != "THIN_STEERING":
                    for k in range(i)[::-1]:
                        if self.lst[k].typ == "STEERER":
                            self.lst[k].Bx = BLx[idx_elem] / self.lst[i].L
                            self.lst[k].By = BLy[idx_elem] / self.lst[i].L

    def update_adj(self, file_name="Adjusted_Values.txt"):
        Assign/update correction values from "Adjusted_Values.txt".

        WARNING: many corner cases, what happens if multiple adjust
                 commands have corrected same element for example?
                 Use with care!
        with open(file_name, "r") as file:
            # First we read in all corrections into dictionaries
            values = {}
            counts = {}
            for lin in file:
                lin = lin.split()
                i = int(lin[1][1:-1])
                if i == "ERROR" and lin[0] == "BEAM":
                settings = {}
                for j in range(len(lin[2:]) / 3):
                    k = int(lin[2 + 3 * j])
                    val = float(lin[4 + 3 * j])
                    if k in settings:
                        settings[k] = [val]
                values[i] = settings
                for j in settings:
                    counts[j] = 0

        # now we will do all the ADJUST_STEERER ones
        corr_next = False
        for el in self.lst:
            if isinstance(el, lib_tw_elem.COMM) and el.typ == "ADJUST_STEERER":
                i = int(el.para[0])
                if i in values:
                    corr_next = values[i]
            elif corr_next:
                if isinstance(el, lib_tw_elem.STEERER):
                    # Bx and By are corrected..
                    vals = corr_next.values()[0]
                    el.Bx = vals[0]
                    el.By = vals[1]
                corr_next = False

        # now we will do all the ADJUST ones
        corr_next = False
        # The TraceWin index number of the current element:
        current = -1
        for el in self.lst:
            if el.idx_elem != -1:
                current = el.idx_elem + 1
            if isinstance(el, lib_tw_elem.COMM) and el.typ == "ADJUST":
                # The index of the corrector scheme
                i = int(el.para[0])
                # the parameter column to vary:
                j = int(el.para[1]) - 1
                # The TraceWin element index of the element we will vary:
                k = current + 1
                # This corrector might not be used:
                if i in values:
                    # We will correct the next active element in lattice:
                    value = values[i][k][counts[k]]
                    # We have now used one value of the total in the current corrector:
                    counts[k] += 1
                    # the element to vary:
                    vary = self.get_elem_idx(current + 1)
                    vary.para[j] = value

    def get_tw(self, file_name):
        with open(file_name, "w") as file:
            for lat_i in self.lst:
                file.write(lat_i.get_tw() + "\n")

    def get_madx(self, file_name_elem="elem.madx", file_name_seq="seq.madx"):
        if self.lst[-1].gamma == 1.0:
            self.update_gamma()  # Assign gamma, if not done yet

        with open(file_name_elem, "w") as fname:
            for lat_i in self.lst:
                    fname.write(lat_i.get_madx() + "\n")
                except AttributeError:

        with open(file_name_elem, "r") as fname:
            lst_name = [lin.split(":")[0] for lin in fname]
        with open(file_name_seq, "w") as fname:

    def get_fluka(self, file_name="elem.dat"):
        if self.lst[-1].gamma == 1.0:
            self.update_gamma()  # Assign gamma, if not done yet

        with open(file_name, "w") as fname:
            for lat_i in self.lst:
                    fname.write(lat_i.get_fluka() + "\n")
                except AttributeError:

    def get_mars(self, file_name="elem.dat"):
        if self.lst[-1].gamma == 1.0:
            self.update_gamma()  # Assign gamma, if not done yet

        with open(file_name, "w") as fname:
            for lat_i in self.lst:
                    fname.write(lat_i.get_mars() + "\n")
                except AttributeError:

    def get_bdsim(self, output_folder="bdsim"):
        if not os.path.exists(output_folder):
        file_name = os.path.join(output_folder, "bdsim.dat")

        if self.lst[-1].gamma == 1.0:
            self.update_gamma()  # Assign gamma, if not done yet

        with open(file_name, "w") as fname:
            for fmap in self.fmap:
                fname.write(self.fmap[fmap].get_bdsim(os.path.join(output_folder, fmap)) + "\n")
            for lat_i in self.lst:
                if hasattr(lat_i, "get_bdsim"):
                    fname.write(lat_i.get_bdsim() + "\n")

[docs] class PROJECT: """ - This is for running multiple simulations 1-by-1 under 1 project. - Maybe not very useful... 2015.10.15 """ def __init__(self, file_name_proj="proj.ini"): # Instances (Add more options as needed.) self.file_name_proj = file_name_proj self.file_name_lat = None self.path_cal = None self.seed = None self.flag_hide = None def exe(self): opt_exe = "TraceWin64_noX11 " + self.file_name_proj if self.file_name_lat is not None: opt_exe += " dat_file=" + self.file_name_lat if self.path_cal is not None: opt_exe += " path_cal=" + self.path_cal if self.seed is not None: opt_exe += " random_seed=" + self.seed if self.flag_hide is not None: opt_exe += " hide" # if self.path_cal!=None: # if os.isdir(self.path_cal)==False: system('mkdir '+self.path_cal) os.system(opt_exe)
# ---- Data related
[docs] class PARTRAN: """ Note: - The list not complete. Add parameters as needed. History: - 2016-02-17: Changed how to identify the line of indices. - 2016-02-17: Added a logic to avoid #/0 for LEBT. - 2020-08-28: Adopted to python3. - 2020-08-28: 99% emittance added. - 2020-08-28: alfz was wrong (in power of gamma) and fixed. """ def __init__(self, file_name): # Consts for conversions mc2 = 938.272088 # MeV wlen = 2.99792e8 / 352.21e6 * 1e3 # mm # Extract indices with open(file_name) as file: i_header = 0 for lin in file.readlines(): lin = lin.split() if "##" in lin[0]: idx_Nelem = lin.index("##") idx_s = lin.index("z(m)") idx_gamma = lin.index("gama-1") idx_x = lin.index("x0") idx_y = lin.index("y0") idx_phs = lin.index("p0") idx_sigx = lin.index("SizeX") idx_sigy = lin.index("SizeY") idx_sigz = lin.index("SizeZ") idx_sigp = lin.index("SizeP") idx_alfx = lin.index("sxx'") idx_alfy = lin.index("syy'") idx_alfz = lin.index("szdp") # Note unit is [um] idx_epsx = lin.index("ex") idx_epsy = lin.index("ey") idx_epsz = lin.index("ezdp") idx_epsp = lin.index("ep") idx_e99x = lin.index("ex99") idx_e99y = lin.index("ey99") idx_e99z = lin.index("ep99") # Note 'ep99' is actually for z-z' idx_halx = lin.index("hx") idx_haly = lin.index("hy") idx_halp = lin.index("hp") idx_Nptcl = lin.index("npart") idx_loss = lin.index("Powlost") break i_header += 1 # Extract data data = numpy.loadtxt(file_name, skiprows=i_header + 1).transpose() # Instances self.Nelem = data[idx_Nelem].astype( self.s = data[idx_s] self.x = data[idx_x] self.y = data[idx_y] self.phs = data[idx_phs] self.sigx = data[idx_sigx] self.sigy = data[idx_sigy] self.sigz = data[idx_sigz] self.sigp = data[idx_sigp] self.epsx = data[idx_epsx] self.epsy = data[idx_epsy] self.epsz = data[idx_epsz] self.epsp = data[idx_epsp] self.e99x = data[idx_e99x] self.e99y = data[idx_e99y] self.e99z = data[idx_e99z] self.halx = data[idx_halx] self.haly = data[idx_haly] self.halz = data[idx_halp] self.halp = data[idx_halp] self.Nptcl = data[idx_Nptcl] self.loss = data[idx_loss] # Way around for 0 emitt for i in numpy.arange(len(self.s)): if self.epsx[i] == 0.0: self.epsx[i] = numpy.inf if self.epsy[i] == 0.0: self.epsy[i] = numpy.inf if self.epsz[i] == 0.0: self.epsz[i] = numpy.inf if self.epsp[i] == 0.0: self.epsp[i] = numpy.inf if self.e99x[i] == 0.0: self.e99x[i] = numpy.inf if self.e99y[i] == 0.0: self.e99y[i] = numpy.inf if self.e99z[i] == 0.0: self.e99z[i] = numpy.inf # Additional instances self.gamma = data[idx_gamma] + 1.0 self.beta = numpy.sqrt(1.0 - 1.0 / self.gamma**2) self.z = -self.phs * self.beta * wlen / 360.0 self.betx = self.sigx**2 / self.epsx * self.beta * self.gamma self.bety = self.sigy**2 / self.epsy * self.beta * self.gamma self.betz = self.sigz**2 / self.epsz * self.beta * self.gamma**3 self.betp = self.sigp**2 / self.epsp self.alfx = -data[idx_alfx] / self.epsx * self.beta * self.gamma self.alfy = -data[idx_alfy] / self.epsy * self.beta * self.gamma self.alfz = -data[idx_alfz] / self.epsz * self.beta * self.gamma self.alfp = -self.alfz self.e99p = self.e99z * 1e-3 * 360.0 * mc2 / wlen print(data[idx_alfz][0]) print(data[idx_alfz][-1]) # Set inf emitt back to 0 for i in numpy.arange(len(self.s)): if self.epsx[i] == numpy.inf: self.epsx[i] = 0.0 if self.epsy[i] == numpy.inf: self.epsy[i] = 0.0 if self.epsz[i] == numpy.inf: self.epsz[i] = 0.0 if self.epsp[i] == numpy.inf: self.epsp[i] = 0.0 if self.e99x[i] == numpy.inf: self.e99x[i] = 0.0 if self.e99y[i] == numpy.inf: self.e99y[i] = 0.0 if self.e99z[i] == numpy.inf: self.e99z[i] = 0.0 if self.e99p[i] == numpy.inf: self.e99p[i] = 0.0 # Convert to list (not necessary?) self.Nelem = self.Nelem.tolist() self.s = self.s.tolist() self.gamma = self.gamma.tolist() self.beta = self.beta.tolist() self.x = self.x.tolist() self.y = self.y.tolist() self.z = self.z.tolist() self.phs = self.phs.tolist() self.sigx = self.sigx.tolist() self.sigy = self.sigy.tolist() self.sigz = self.sigz.tolist() self.sigp = self.sigp.tolist() self.betx = self.betx.tolist() self.bety = self.bety.tolist() self.betz = self.betz.tolist() self.betp = self.betp.tolist() self.alfx = self.alfx.tolist() self.alfy = self.alfy.tolist() self.alfz = self.alfz.tolist() self.alfp = self.alfp.tolist() self.epsx = self.epsx.tolist() self.epsy = self.epsy.tolist() self.epsz = self.epsz.tolist() self.epsp = self.epsp.tolist() self.e99x = self.e99x.tolist() self.e99y = self.e99y.tolist() self.e99z = self.e99z.tolist() self.e99p = self.e99p.tolist() self.halx = self.halx.tolist() self.haly = self.haly.tolist() self.halz = self.halz.tolist() self.halp = self.halp.tolist() self.Nptcl = self.Nptcl.tolist() self.loss = self.loss.tolist() def loss_den(self, file_name_dt="", dlt_dt=5e-6): return loss_elem2den(self.s, self.loss, file_name_dt, dlt_dt)
[docs] class DST: """ Class for a TraceWin's .dst file. - TraceWin seems using beta and gamma for each particle so the conversion to (z,z') is based on this assumption. 2015.10.06 """ def __init__(self, file_name, unit_x="cm", unit_px="rad", unit_z="rad", unit_pz="MeV"): # Const c = 2.99792458 # Read the file with open(file_name) as file: numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.uint8, count=2) Nptcl = numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.uint32, count=1)[0] Ibeam = numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float64, count=1)[0] freq = numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float64, count=1)[0] numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.uint8, count=1) x = numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float64, count=Nptcl * 6).reshape(Nptcl, 6).transpose() mass = numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float64, count=1)[0] # Adjust units gamma = 1.0 + x[5] / mass beta = numpy.sqrt(1 - 1 / gamma**2) if unit_x == "mm": x[0] = x[0] * 1e1 x[2] = x[2] * 1e1 if unit_px == "mrad": x[1] = x[1] * 1e3 x[3] = x[3] * 1e3 if unit_z == "deg": x[4] = x[4] * 180 / numpy.pi if unit_z == "mm": x[4] = -x[4] * c * beta / (2 * numpy.pi * freq) * 1e5 if unit_pz == "mrad": x[5] = (x[5] - numpy.mean(x[5])) / (mass * beta**2 * gamma**3) * 1e3 # Instances self.x = x.transpose() self.mass = mass self.freq = freq self.Ibeam = Ibeam
[docs] class DENSITY: """ - Note instances are not identical for Nrun=1 and Nrun>1. - Be careful with # of steps for an envelope file. - When Nrun>1, ave and rms in a file are sum and squared sum. - Double check before a production !!!! - Dim of arrays: Nelem(Nidx): idx_elem, s, Nptcl, Ibeam 4 x Nelem(Nidx): apt # x, y, dx, dy 3 x Nelem(Nidx): accpt # phs+, phs-, ken 7 x Nelem(Nidx): cent_(..), sig, xmax, xmin # x, y, phs, ken, r, z, dpp 3 x Nelem(Nidx): eps # x, y, phs Nrun x Nelem: loss Nelem : loss_num_(..), loss_pow_(..) Nelem x Nstep: den - History: * 2015.11.12: Baseline ver * 2016.03.29: Adapted to ver 9 (apt includes shifts) """ def __init__(self, file_name): # -- Empty arrays idx_elem = [] s = [] apt = [] accpt = [] Nptcl = [] Ibeam = [] cent_ave = [] cent_rms = [] cent_max = [] cent_min = [] sig_ave = [] sig_rms = [] eps_ave = [] eps_rms = [] xmax = [] xmin = [] loss_num = [] loss_pow = [] loss_num_ave = [] loss_pow_ave = [] loss_num_rms = [] loss_pow_rms = [] loss_num_max = [] loss_pow_max = [] loss_num_min = [] loss_pow_min = [] den = [] den_pow = [] # -- Extract data with open(file_name) as file: while True: try: # Partran and envelope ver, year, flag_long = numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.uint16, count=3) Nrun = numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.uint32, count=1)[0] idx_elem.append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.uint32, count=1)[0]) Ibeam.append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]) s.append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]) if ver >= 9: apt.append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float32, count=4)) else: apt.append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float32, count=2)) Nstep = numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.uint32, count=1)[0] cent_ave.append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float32, count=7)) cent_rms.append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float32, count=7)) xmax.append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float32, count=7)) xmin.append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float32, count=7)) if ver > 5: sig_ave.append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float32, count=7)) sig_rms.append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float32, count=7)) if ver >= 6: cent_min.append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float32, count=7)) cent_max.append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float32, count=7)) if ver >= 7: eps_ave.append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float32, count=3)) eps_rms.append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float32, count=3)) if ver >= 8: accpt.append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float32, count=3)) Nptcl.append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.uint64, count=1)[0]) # Partran only if Nptcl[-1] > 0: loss_num.append([]) loss_pow.append([]) den.append([]) den_pow.append([]) for n in range(Nrun): loss_num[-1].append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.uint64, count=1)[0]) loss_pow[-1].append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]) loss_num_ave.append(sum(loss_num[-1])) loss_num_rms.append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.uint64, count=1)[0]) loss_num_min.append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.uint64, count=1)[0]) loss_num_max.append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.uint64, count=1)[0]) loss_pow_ave.append(sum(loss_pow[-1])) loss_pow_rms.append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float64, count=1)[0]) loss_pow_min.append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]) loss_pow_max.append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float32, count=1)[0]) for k in range(7): if flag_long == 1: den[-1].append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.uint64, count=Nstep)) else: den[-1].append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.uint32, count=Nstep)) if Ibeam[-1] > 0: for k in range(3): den_pow[-1].append(numpy.fromfile(file, dtype=numpy.float32, count=Nstep)) # print Nrun,Nptcl[-1],idx_elem[-1] # Diag except IndexError: break # -- Reshape arrays apt = numpy.swapaxes(apt, 1, 0) accpt = numpy.swapaxes(accpt, 1, 0) cent_ave = numpy.swapaxes(cent_ave, 1, 0) cent_rms = numpy.swapaxes(cent_rms, 1, 0) cent_max = numpy.swapaxes(cent_max, 1, 0) cent_min = numpy.swapaxes(cent_min, 1, 0) sig_ave = numpy.swapaxes(sig_ave, 1, 0) sig_rms = numpy.swapaxes(sig_rms, 1, 0) eps_ave = numpy.swapaxes(eps_ave, 1, 0) eps_rms = numpy.swapaxes(eps_rms, 1, 0) xmax = numpy.swapaxes(xmax, 1, 0) xmin = numpy.swapaxes(xmin, 1, 0) if Nptcl[0] > 0: loss_num = numpy.swapaxes(loss_num, 1, 0) loss_pow = numpy.swapaxes(loss_pow, 1, 0) den = numpy.swapaxes(den, 1, 0) den_pow = numpy.swapaxes(den_pow, 1, 0) # -- Take care ave and rms cent_ave = cent_ave / Nrun cent_rms = numpy.sqrt(cent_rms / Nrun) sig_ave = sig_ave / Nrun sig_rms = numpy.sqrt(sig_rms / Nrun) eps_ave = eps_ave / Nrun eps_rms = numpy.sqrt(eps_rms / Nrun) if Nptcl[0] > 0: loss_num_ave = 1.0 * numpy.array(loss_num_ave) / Nrun loss_num_rms = numpy.sqrt(1.0 * numpy.array(loss_num_rms) / Nrun) loss_pow_ave = numpy.array(loss_pow_ave) / Nrun loss_pow_rms = numpy.sqrt(numpy.array(loss_pow_rms) / Nrun) # -- Change units, m => mm, pi-m-rad => pi-mm-mrad apt *= 1e3 eps_ave *= 1e6 eps_rms *= 1e6 for k in (0, 1, 4, 5): cent_ave[k] *= 1e3 cent_rms[k] *= 1e3 cent_max[k] *= 1e3 cent_min[k] *= 1e3 sig_ave[k] *= 1e3 sig_rms[k] *= 1e3 xmax[k] *= 1e3 xmin[k] *= 1e3 # -- Define std (around to avoid sqrt(-eps)) if Nrun > 1: cent_std = numpy.sqrt(numpy.around(cent_rms**2 - cent_ave**2, 12)) sig_std = numpy.sqrt(numpy.around(sig_rms**2 - sig_ave**2, 12)) eps_std = numpy.sqrt(numpy.around(eps_rms**2 - eps_ave**2, 12)) cent_std = numpy.nan_to_num(cent_std) # Replace nan with 0 sig_std = numpy.nan_to_num(sig_std) # Replace nan with 0 eps_std = numpy.nan_to_num(eps_std) # Replace nan with 0 if Nptcl[0] > 0: loss_num_std = numpy.sqrt(numpy.around(loss_num_rms**2 - loss_num_ave**2, 16)) loss_pow_std = numpy.sqrt(numpy.around(loss_pow_rms**2 - loss_pow_ave**2, 16)) loss_num_std = numpy.nan_to_num(loss_num_std) # Replace nan with 0 loss_pow_std = numpy.nan_to_num(loss_pow_std) # Replace nan with 0 # -- Convert to list (just in case...) apt = apt.tolist() accpt = accpt.tolist() accpt.append(accpt[0]) del accpt[0] cent_ave = cent_ave.tolist() cent_rms = cent_rms.tolist() cent_max = cent_max.tolist() cent_min = cent_min.tolist() sig_ave = sig_ave.tolist() sig_rms = sig_rms.tolist() eps_ave = eps_ave.tolist() eps_rms = eps_rms.tolist() xmax = xmax.tolist() xmin = xmin.tolist() if Nptcl[0] > 0: loss_num = loss_num.tolist() loss_pow = loss_pow.tolist() loss_num_ave = loss_num_ave.tolist() loss_pow_ave = loss_pow_ave.tolist() loss_num_rms = loss_num_rms.tolist() loss_pow_rms = loss_pow_rms.tolist() den = den.tolist() den_pow = den_pow.tolist() if Nrun > 1: cent_std = cent_std.tolist() sig_std = sig_std.tolist() eps_std = eps_std.tolist() if Nptcl[0] > 0: loss_num_std = loss_num_std.tolist() loss_pow_std = loss_pow_std.tolist() # -- Outputs self.idx_elem = idx_elem self.s = s self.apt = apt self.accpt = accpt self.Nptcl = Nptcl self.Ibeam = Ibeam self.Nrun = Nrun self.Nstep = Nstep if Nrun == 1: self.cent = cent_ave self.sig = sig_ave self.eps = eps_ave self.xmax = xmax self.xmin = xmin if Nptcl[0] > 0: self.loss_num = loss_num[0] self.loss_pow = loss_pow[0] self.den = den self.den_pow = den_pow else: self.cent_ave = cent_ave self.cent_rms = cent_rms self.cent_std = cent_std self.cent_max = cent_max self.cent_min = cent_min self.sig_ave = sig_ave self.sig_rms = sig_rms self.sig_std = sig_std self.eps_ave = eps_ave self.eps_rms = eps_rms self.eps_std = eps_std self.xmax = xmax self.xmin = xmin if Nptcl[0] > 0: self.loss_num = loss_num self.loss_pow = loss_pow self.loss_num_ave = loss_num_ave self.loss_pow_ave = loss_pow_ave self.loss_num_rms = loss_num_rms self.loss_pow_rms = loss_pow_rms self.loss_num_std = loss_num_std self.loss_pow_std = loss_pow_std self.loss_num_max = loss_num_max self.loss_pow_max = loss_pow_max self.loss_num_min = loss_num_min self.loss_pow_min = loss_pow_min self.den = den self.den_pow = den_pow # -- Option outputs self.idx_4_elem_end = [len(idx_elem) - 1 - idx_elem[::-1].index(i) for i in list(set(idx_elem))]
# -------- Functions # ---- Dist related
[docs] def x2dst(x, mass, freq, Ibeam, path_file="part_dtl1_new.dst"): """ Output a TraceWin's .dst file from x and etc. Input: x (Nptcl,6) For binary characters see 2014.10.03 """ fname = open(path_file, "w") out = pack("b", 125) out += pack("b", 100) out += pack("i", len(x)) out += pack("d", Ibeam) out += pack("d", freq) out += pack("b", 125) # Typo in the manual !!!! x = list(chain(*x)) # Flatten x for x_i in x: out += pack("d", x_i) out += pack("d", mass) fname.write(out + "\n") fname.close()
[docs] def plt2x(path_file): """ Extract x and etc from a TraceWin's binary .plt file. The units are (cm,rad,cm,rad,rad,MeV,loss). Output: x (Nelem,Nptcl,7) For binary characters see 2014.10.06 """ file = open(path_file, "r") # Hetero info # 125,100 Nelem = unpack("i",[0] Nptcl = unpack("i",[0] Ibeam = unpack("d",[0] freq = unpack("d",[0] mass = unpack("d",[0] # Loop for elem x = [] i_unk = [] i_elem = [] s = [] phs = [] ken = [] for i in range(Nelem): try: i_unk.append(unpack("b",[0]) i_elem.append(unpack("i",[0]) s.append(unpack("d",[0]) phs.append(unpack("d",[0]) ken.append(unpack("d",[0]) x.append([[unpack("f",[0] for line in range(7)] for k in range(Nptcl)]) except IndexError: break file.close() return x, mass, freq, Ibeam, i_unk, i_elem, s, phs, ken
[docs] def x2plt(x, mass, freq, Ibeam, i_unk, i_elem, s, phs, ken, path_file="dtl1_new.plt"): """ Output a TraceWin's .plt file from x and etc. Input: x (Nelem,Nptcl,7) For binary characters see 2014.10.07 """ fname = open(path_file, "w") out = pack("b", 125) out += pack("b", 100) out += pack("i", len(x)) out += pack("i", len(x[0])) out += pack("d", Ibeam) out += pack("d", freq) out += pack("d", mass) for i in range(len(x)): out += pack("b", i_unk[i]) # out+=pack('i',i_elem[i]) out += pack("i", i) # To truncate the elem number out += pack("d", s[i]) out += pack("d", phs[i]) out += pack("d", ken[i]) x_i = list(chain(*x[i])) for x_ik in x_i: out += pack("f", x_ik) fname.write(out + "\n") fname.close()
# ---- Data related
[docs] def x2twiss(x): """ Calculate twiss from x. Note sig = sqrt(bet*eps). Input : x (Nptcl,6) Output: eps,bet,alf,gam 2015.07.30 """ x = [x_i - numpy.mean(x_i) for x_i in numpy.array(x).transpose()] sig = [[numpy.mean(x_i * x_k) for x_k in x] for x_i in x] eps = [numpy.sqrt(numpy.linalg.det(numpy.array(sig)[i : i + 2][:, i : i + 2])) for i in (0, 2, 4)] bet = [sig[i][i] / eps[i / 2] for i in (0, 2, 4)] alf = [-sig[i][i + 1] / eps[i / 2] for i in (0, 2, 4)] gam = [sig[i + 1][i + 1] / eps[i / 2] for i in (0, 2, 4)] return eps, bet, alf, gam
[docs] def x2twiss_halo(x, sig_cut=(None, None, None)): """ Calculate twiss of halo particles (r > sig_cut). Note halo particles are different for each plane. Input : x (Nptcl,6), sig_cut Output: eps,bet,alf,gam 2015.07.30 """ eps, bet, alf, gam = x2twiss(x) for k in (0, 2, 4): if sig_cut[k / 2] is not None: x = x.transpose() r_nom_sq = (x[k] ** 2 + (alf[k / 2] * x[k] + bet[k / 2] * x[k + 1]) ** 2) / (bet[k / 2] * eps[k / 2]) x = x.transpose() x_halo = [x[i] for i in range(len(x)) if r_nom_sq[i] > sig_cut[k / 2] ** 2] eps_tmp, bet_tmp, alf_tmp, gam_tmp = x2twiss(x_halo) eps[k / 2] = eps_tmp[k / 2] bet[k / 2] = bet_tmp[k / 2] alf[k / 2] = alf_tmp[k / 2] gam[k / 2] = gam_tmp[k / 2] return eps, bet, alf, gam
[docs] def loss_elem2den(s, loss, file_name_dt="", dlt_dt=5e-6): """ This function calculates loss density [W/m] from s and loss together with the file of the DTL's cell and DT lengths. 2016.01.15 """ # Define L L = [s[i] - s[i - 1] for i in range(1, len(s))] L.insert(0, 0.0) # Take care DTL part if "file_name_dt" is given try: # DTL cell and DT lengths with open(file_name_dt) as file: L_cell, L_dt = numpy.array([map(float, lin.split()) for lin in file.readlines()]).transpose()[:2] # Replace cell lengths with DT lengths Ndt = 0 for i in range(len(L)): dL = list(abs(L_cell - L[i])) dL_min = min(dL) if dL_min < dlt_dt: L[i] = L_dt[dL.index(dL_min)] Ndt += 1 # Check if Ndt != len(L_dt): print("drift-tube # unmatched, in file: {}, matched: {}".format(len(L_dt), Ndt)) except FileNotFoundError: pass # Take care loss in 0 length elem loss_den = loss[::] for i in range(len(loss_den)): if loss_den[i] != 0.0 and L[i] == 0.0: print("Caution: inf loss density at elem # ", i, "!!!!") for k in range(i)[::-1]: if L[k] != 0.0: loss_den[k] += loss_den[i] loss_den[i] = 0.0 break # Calculate loss den for i in range(len(loss_den)): if loss_den[i] != 0.0: loss_den[i] /= L[i] return loss_den sys.exit() # Define L lngth = [s[i + 1] - s[i] for i in range(len(s) - 1)] lngth.insert(0, 0.0) # L=[s[i+1]-s[i] for i in range(len(s)-1)]; L.insert(0,0.0) # Take care DTL part if "file_name_dt" is given try: # Read DTL cell and DT lengths with open(file_name_dt) as file: l_cell, l_dt = numpy.array([map(float, lin.split()) for lin in file.readlines()]).transpose()[:2] # Replace cell lengths with DT lengths Ndt = 0 for i in range(len(lngth)): dl = list(abs(l_cell - lngth[i])) dl_min = min(dl) if dl_min < dlt_dt: lngth[i] = l_dt[dl.index(dl_min)] Ndt += 1 # Check if Ndt != len(l_cell): print("drift-tube # unmatched, in file: {}, matched: {}".format(len(l_cell), Ndt)) except FileNotFoundError: pass # Take care inf loss den for i in range(len(lngth)): if lngth[i] == 0.0 and loss[i] != 0.0: if i == 1: print("The 1st elem has 0 length and yet has a loss, exiting...") sys.exit() else: k = 1 while lngth[i - k] == 0.0: k += 1 loss[i - k] += loss[i] loss[i] = 0.0 print("Caution: Inf loss density at elem #", i, "!!!!") # Finally, convert to loss density loss_den = [] for i in range(len(lngth)): if loss[i] == 0.0: loss_den.append(0.0) else: loss_den.append(loss[i] / lngth[i]) return loss_den
# def loss_elem2den(s,loss,path_file_dt,dlt_dt=5e-6): # ''' # This function calculates loss density [W/m] from s, loss, # and the file of the DTL's cell and DT lengths. # 2015.01.30 # ''' # # Define l # l=[s[i+1]-s[i] for i in range(len(s)-1)]; l.insert(0,0.0) # # DTL cell and DT lengths. # file=open(path_file_dt) # l_cell,l_dt=array([map(float,lin.split()) for lin in file.readlines()]).transpose()[:2] # file.close() # # Replace l's in DTL with DT lengths. # Ndt=0 # for i in range(len(l)): # dl=list(abs(l_cell-l[i])); dl_min=min(dl) # if dl_min<dlt_dt: # l[i]=l_dt[dl.index(dl_min)]; Ndt+=1 # # Check the replacement. # if Ndt!=len(l_cell): # print 'drift-tube # unmatched, in file: '+str(len(l_cell))+', from matching: '+str(Ndt) # print 'review the threshold, exiting...'; exit() # # Treat inf loss den. # for i in range(len(l)): # if l[i]==0.0 and loss[i]!=0.0: # if i==1: # print 'The 1st elem has 0 length and yet has a loss, exiting...'; exit() # else: # k=1 # while l[i-k]==0.0: k+=1 # loss[i-k]+=loss[i]; loss[i]=0.0 # print 'Caution: Inf loss density at elem #',i,'!!!!' # # Finally, convert to loss density. # loss_den=[] # for i in range(len(l)): # if loss[i]==0.0: loss_den.append(0.0) # else : loss_den.append(loss[i]/l[i]) # return loss_den
[docs] def partran_end_all(file_name_in_all, file_name_out): """ - Reads multiple partran1.out files and extracts the data at the end. - The same format as partran1.out allows to be used by PARTRAN class. - The elem # is replaced with the file #. 2015.11.25 """ # Extract header from 1 file. with open(file_name_in_all[0], "r") as file: header = "" for lin in file.readlines(): header += lin if lin.split()[0] == "####": break # Extract output data for each file and write. with open(file_name_out, "w") as file_out: file_out.write(header) for i in range(len(file_name_in_all)): lin = check_output(["tail", "-1", file_name_in_all[i]]).split() # Replace elem # with file #. file_out.write("%5s" % str(i)) # Just to maintain the same format as partran1.out. Maybe too much... for i in range(1, len(lin)): if "." in lin[i]: file_out.write(" %13s" % lin[i]) else: file_out.write(" %10s" % lin[i]) file_out.write("\n")
def _update_field_map_dict(dictionary, folder_path): import os import logging for filename in os.listdir(folder_path): if filename.split(".")[-1] == "edz": # only 1D for now.. key = filename.split(".")[0] if key not in dictionary: # do not override user selection dictionary[key] = os.path.join(folder_path, filename) logging.debug(" Found field map {}: {}".format(key, dictionary[key])) # -------- Obsolete classes and functions # ---- Old MATCH and LATTICE classes from the time of IPAC'15 (more complex) # class MATCH: # ''' # Class for matching. Could be revised. # 2015.04.26 # ''' # def __init__(self,typ): # # Instances # self.typ =typ # Need typ_knob and etc ?? # self.i_diag=[] # self.i_knob=[] # # Instances for 'TRAJ' # self.Rx_inv=None # self.Ry_inv=None # class LATTICE: # ''' # Class to handle a TraceWin lattice file. # - For now, only for the steerer and BPM. Extend as needed. # - For now, only for the MEBT. Extend as needed. # - For now, reading a file for ken. Implement a method for future ?? # 2015.04.12 # ''' # def __init__(self,path_file_lat,path_file_ken): # # Consts, need to define globally ?? # mass=938.2723; clight=2.99792458 # # Some dict and list (MEBT and DTL are supported for now...) # dic_class={'QUAD' : QUAD , # 'THIN_STEERING' : THIN_STEERING , # 'STEERER' : STEERER , # 'DIAG_POSITION' : DIAG_POSITION , # 'ADJUST' : ADJUST , # 'ADJUST_STEERER': ADJUST_STEERER} # lst_elem =['DRIFT','QUAD','GAP','DTL_CEL', # 'THIN_STEERING','DIAG_POSITION'] # lst_comm =['ADJUST','ADJUST_STEERER'] # lst_diag =['DIAG_POSITION'] # # Load ken from TW's "Energy(MeV).txt" (vs Nelem, starting from 0) # with open(path_file_ken,'r') as file: # ken=[] # for lin in file: # try : ken.append(float(lin.split()[2])) # except: pass # ken.insert(0,ken[0]) # # Go through the lat file # with open(path_file_lat) as file: # lst=[]; i=0; Nelem=0 # for lin in file: # lin=lin.partition(';')[0] # Remove comment # if lin.split()!=[]: # Remove empty line # # Convert an elem/comm to a class (maybe too cryptic...) # try : lst.append(dic_class[ALLTYPE(lin).typ](lin)) # except: lst.append( ALLTYPE(lin)) # # Assign index # lst[-1].indx=i; i+=1 # # Assign Nelem # if lst[-1].typ in lst_elem: Nelem+=1 # lst[-1].Nelem=Nelem # # Assign gamma, beta, Brho # gamma=1.0+ken[Nelem]/mass ; lst[-1].gamma=gamma # beta =sqrt(1.0-1.0/gamma**2) ; lst[-1].beta =beta # Brho =(10.0/clight)*gamma*beta*mass*1e-3; lst[-1].Brho =Brho # # End at 'END' # if lst[-1].typ=='END': break # # Go through lat again and define matchings, extend/modify as needed # match={} # for i in range(len(lst)): # if lst[i].typ in lst_comm: # lst,match=lst[i].activate(lst,match) # # Get index of diagnostics # for i in range(len(lst)): # if lst[i].typ in lst_diag: # try : match[lst[i].fam].i_diag.append(i) # except: pass # # Instances # self.lst =lst # self.match=match # def get_tw(self,path_file,flag_no_err=None): # with open(path_file,'w') as file: # for lst_i in self.lst: # if 'ERROR' in lst_i.typ: # if flag_no_err!=None: pass # else : file.write(lst_i.get_tw()) # else: # file.write(lst_i.get_tw()) # ---- Old DENSITY class for the envelope calc only # class DENSITY_ENV: # ''' # This class is to handle Density_Env.dat. # - For now, this is intended for an individual file and NOT "tot" file. # (Something not clear between an individual file and "tot" file...) # - For now, there are instances of only Nelem, s, x_ave, y_ave. # (Add others when needed.) # - For now, tested only for the MEBT. # - Note there are much more data points than the total number of elems # due to the slicing of the SC calculation. Use i_elem to extract data # at the ends of elems, e.g., array(x_ave)[array(i_elem)]. # 2015.03.29 # ''' # def __init__(self,path_file): # # Go through the file # Nelem=[]; s=[]; x=[] # with open(path_file) as file: # while True: # try: # ver=fromfile(file,dtype = numpy.uint16,count=3)[0] # version, year, vlong # Nelem.append( numpy.fromfile(file,dtype = numpy.uint32,count=2)[1]) # Nrun, Nelem # s.append( numpy.fromfile(file,dtype = numpy.float32,count=4)[1]) # Ibeam, s, aptx, apty # numpy.fromfile(file,dtype = numpy.uint32,count=1) # Nslice ?? # x.append(list( numpy.fromfile(file,dtype = numpy.float32,count=7*4)[:2])) # ave & etc # if ver>=5: numpy.fromfile(file,dtype = numpy.float32,count=7*2) # ver >= 5 part # if ver>=6: numpy.fromfile(file,dtype = numpy.float32,count=7*2) # ver >= 6 part # if ver>=7: numpy.fromfile(file,dtype = numpy.float32,count=3*2) # ver >= 7 part # if ver>=8: numpy.fromfile(file,dtype = numpy.float32,count=1*3) # ver >= 8 part # numpy.fromfile(file,dtype = numpy.uint64,count=1) # Nptcl # except: # break # # Index of n-th elem end, starting from 0 # i_elem=[0] # for n in range(1,Nelem[-1]): # k=1 # while True: # try : i_elem.append(Nelem.index(n+k)-1); break # except: k+=1 # i_elem.append(len(Nelem)-1) # # Instances # self.Nelem=Nelem # self.s =s # self.x =list(1e3*array(x).transpose()[0]) # self.y =list(1e3*array(x).transpose()[1]) # # Additional instances # self.i_elem=i_elem # ---- Lattice related functions # def clean_lat(path_file): # ''' # Remove comments, names, and etc from a TraceWin file. # To convert the output to str, use: [' '.join(l)+'\n' for l in lat]. # The current version not capitalizing. # Output: Lattice in a list # 2015.03.18 # ''' # with open(path_file) as file: # lat=[] # for lin in file: # lin=lin.partition(';')[0] # Remove comment # #lin=lin.upper().partition(';')[0] # Remove comment and capitalize # if ':' in lin: lin=lin.partition(':')[-1].split() # Remove name # else : lin=lin.split() # if lin!=[]: # Avoid empty line # lat.append(lin) # if lin[0].upper()=='END': break # return lat # def get_steerer(path_file): # ''' # Extract steerer values from "Adjusted_Values.txt" of TraceWin. # Note the key is the "lat elem #" where commands are not counted. # Output is dic of {lat elem #:[val]} or {lat elem #:[val_x,val_y]} # 2014.10.17 # ''' # file=open(path_file) # i_elem=0; dic_steerer_val={} # for lin in file.readlines(): # lin=lin.split() # for i in range(len(lin)): # if lin[i]==':': # if int(lin[i-1])!=i_elem: # i_elem=int(lin[i-1]) # dic_steerer_val[i_elem]=[lin[i+1]] # else: # dic_steerer_val[i_elem].append(lin[i+1]) # file.close() # return dic_steerer_val # def apply_steerer(lat,dic_steerer_val,lst_typ_elem): # ''' # Apply steerer values to a TraceWin lattice. # Input: lat from "clean_lat, steerer dic from "get_steerer", list of lat elem types # 2014.10.17 # ''' # #-- # i_elem=0; dic_steerer={} # for i in range(len(lat)): # if lat[i][0] in lst_typ_elem: # i_elem+=1 # if lat[i][0]=='STEERER': # if i_elem+1 in dic_steerer_val.keys(): # if len(dic_steerer_val[i_elem+1])==2: # dic_steerer[i]=[[1,dic_steerer_val[i_elem+1][0]],[2,dic_steerer_val[i_elem+1][1]]] # else: # for k in range(i)[::-1]: # if lat[k][0]=='ADJUST_STEERER_BX': # dic_steerer[i]=[[1,dic_steerer_val[i_elem+1][0]]]; break # if lat[k][0]=='ADJUST_STEERER_BY': # dic_steerer[i]=[[2,dic_steerer_val[i_elem+1][0]]]; break # if lat[i][0]=='THIN_STEERING': # if i_elem in dic_steerer_val.keys(): # if len(dic_steerer_val[i_elem])==2: # dic_steerer[i]=[[1,dic_steerer_val[i_elem][0]],[2,dic_steerer_val[i_elem][1]]] # else: # for k in range(i)[::-1]: # if lat[k][0]=='ADJUST' and lat[k][2]=='1': # dic_steerer[i]=[[1,dic_steerer_val[i_elem][0]]]; break # if lat[k][0]=='ADJUST' and lat[k][2]=='2': # dic_steerer[i]=[[2,dic_steerer_val[i_elem][0]]]; break # for i in sorted(dic_steerer.keys()): # for k in range(len(dic_steerer[i])): # lat[i][dic_steerer[i][k][0]]=dic_steerer[i][k][1] # return lat # def apply_multipole(lat,typ,r,b3=0.0,b4=0.0,b5=0.0,b6=0.0): # ''' # Apply multipole components to quads in a TraceWin lattice file. # Note all the quads in all the sections are affected in the same way. # Input : lat from "clean_lat, reference r, b3-b6, and dist type # ("fix", "uniform", "gauss") # 2015.01.08 # ''' # bn=(b3,b4,b5,b6) # for i in range(len(lat)): # if lat[i][0]=='QUAD': # # Adjust format # if len(lat[i])<5: # for k in range(5): lat[i].append('0') # else: # lat[i]=lat[i][:5] # for k in range(4): lat[i].append('0') # # Fixed value # if typ=='fix': # for k in range(4): # lat[i][k+5]=str( bn[k]/r**(k+1)*float(lat[i][2])) # # Uniform dist # if typ=='uniform': # for k in range(4): # lat[i][k+5]=str((2.0*rand()-1.0)*bn[k]/r**(k+1)*float(lat[i][2])) # # Gaussian dist # if typ=='gauss': # for k in range(4): # lat[i][k+5]=str( randn()*bn[k]/r**(k+1)*float(lat[i][2])) # return lat # ---- Dist related # def partran2twiss(path_file): # ''' # MERGE THIS TO PARTRAN CLASS !!!! # Extract output Twiss and halo from partran1.out # Longitudinal phase space is z-z'. # 2015.01.15 # ''' # file=open(path_file) # for lin in file.readlines(): # lin=lin.split() # if lin[0]=='####': # idx_gamma=lin.index('gama-1') # idx_eps =[lin.index(p) for p in ("ex" ,"ey" ,"ezdp" )] # idx_bet =[lin.index(p) for p in ("SizeX","SizeY","SizeZ")] # idx_alf =[lin.index(p) for p in ("sxx'" ,"syy'" ,"szdp" )] # idx_hal =[lin.index(p) for p in ("hx" ,"hy" ,"hp" )] # file.close() # gamma=float(lin[idx_gamma])+1.0 # eps =array([float(lin[idx]) for idx in idx_eps]) # bet =array([float(lin[idx])**2 for idx in idx_bet]) # Actually Sig_{i,i} # alf =array([float(lin[idx]) for idx in idx_alf]) # Actually Sig_{i,i+1} # hal =array([float(lin[idx]) for idx in idx_hal]) # bet= bet/eps*sqrt(gamma**2-1.0); bet[2]*=gamma**2 # z-dp => z-z' # alf=-alf/eps*sqrt(gamma**2-1.0) # gam= (1.0+alf**2)/bet # return eps,bet,alf,gam,hal # class PROJECT_SING_CORE: # ''' # - Use this for simultaneous mult 1-core-simulations (w/ tracelx64). # - Initial parameters are not meant to be changed, unlike "PROJECT". # (Each run should have its own project.) # - Make sure the project/lattice file is in the calc dir. # - Changing the calc dir option not working for tracelx64. # 2015.10.15 # ''' # def __init__(self,path_cal, # file_name_proj='proj.ini',file_name_lat='lat.dat',seed=None,flag_hide=None): # # Make sure "path_cal" ends with "/". # if path_cal[-1]!='/': path_cal+='/' # # Check the calc dir exists. # if isdir(path_cal)==False: print 'Calc dir does not exist !!!! Exiting ...'; exit() # # Check "tracelx64" is in the calc dir. # if isfile(path_cal+'tracelx64')==False: # try : system('cp /opt/cea/tracelx64 '+path_cal) # except: print 'tracelx64 not in calc dir !!!! Exiting ...'; exit() # # Check "tracewin.key" is in the calc dir. # if isfile(path_cal+'tracewin.key')==False: # try : system('cp /opt/cea/tracewin.key '+path_cal) # except: print 'tracewin.key not in calc dir !!!! Exiting ...'; exit() # # Check the project/lattice file is in the calc dir. # if '/' not in file_name_proj: file_name_proj=path_cal+file_name_proj # if '/' not in file_name_lat : file_name_lat =path_cal+file_name_lat # if isfile(file_name_proj)==False: print 'project file not in calc dir !!!! Exiting ...'; exit() # if isfile(file_name_lat) ==False: print 'lattice file not in calc dir !!!! Exiting ...'; exit() # # Instances (Add more options as needed.) # self.path_cal =path_cal # self.file_name_proj=file_name_proj # self.file_name_lat =file_name_lat # self.seed =seed # self.flag_hide =flag_hide # def exe(self): # opt_exe =self.path_cal+'tracelx64 '+self.file_name_proj # if self.file_name_lat!=None: opt_exe+=' dat_file=' +self.file_name_lat # if self.seed !=None: opt_exe+=' random_seed='+self.seed # if self.flag_hide !=None: opt_exe+=' hide' # system(opt_exe)