Source code for ess.fieldmap

    Now that TraceWin can also convert binary fieldmaps to ASCII the main usage is reduced to trimming fieldmaps
    -- M. Eshraqi 2018 July 09
    Added function to read ASCII fieldmaps and added descriptions
    Added function save_to_ascii
    Added function batch_convert_to_Ascci
    -- M. Eshraqi 2018 July 23

    minor bug fixed in 2D fields
    added function unify_grid_size

    added function create_tw_fieldmap
    added function uniform_mesh
    fixed a bug in function save_to_ascii which was writing Nx, Ny and Nz as floats
    -- M. Eshraqi 2018 Aug 09


                                            From TraceWin manual:


        The field map file syntax is the following in the BINARY format:

        - Dimension 1 ::

            nz (integer 4 bytes) zmax (double 8 bytes)
            Norm (double 8 bytes)

            # Nz Zmax
            # Norm

            for k=0 to nz
                Fz(k.zmax/nz) (float 4 bytes)

        - Dimension 2 ::

            nz (integer 4 bytes) zmax (double 8 bytes)
            nx (integer 4 bytes) xmax (double 8 bytes)
            Norm (double 8 bytes)

            # Nz Zmax
            # Nx Xmax
            # Norm

            for k=0 to nz
                for i=0 to nr
                    Fz(k*zmax/nz, i*rmax/nr) (float 4 bytes)

        - Dimension 3 ::

            (Be careful about  the dimension order)
            nz (integer 4 bytes) zmax (double 8 bytes)
            nx (integer 4 bytes) xmin (double 8 bytes) xmax (double 8 bytes)
            ny (integer 4 bytes) ymin (double 8 bytes) ymax (double 8 bytes)
            Norm (double 8 bytes)
            Be careful about  the dimension order

            # Nz Zmax
            # Nx Xmin Xmax
            # Ny Ymin Ymax
            # Norm

            for k=0 to nz
                for j=0 to ny
                    for i=0 to nx
                        Fz(k*zmax/nz, ymin+j*(ymax-ymin)/ny, xmin+i*(xmax-xmin)/nx) (float 4 bytes)

        Warning: The lattice has to be regular.
        The normalization factor is equal to ke/Norm or kb/Norm.
        Fz are in MV/m for electric field or in T for magnetic field. The dimensions are in meter.



__all__ = [

# class FieldMapy:
# '''
#  class contains functions needed for manipulating fieldmaps for TraceWin.
# '''
__version__ = "0.4"

import os
import numpy as np

def _read_binary_fieldmap(filepath: str, fieldmap_dim: int):
    filepath: string
        path to the binary fieldmap file including the path, file name and extension
    fieldmap_dim: int
        dimension of the fieldmap, 1, 2 and 3 for 1D, 2D and 3D TraceWin formatted fieldmap

    a list containing Header and Field
    Header: 1D array of size 3, 5, 9 (for 1D, 2D and 3D fieldmaps)
        TraceWin fieldmap header info
    Field: 1D numpy array containing the nD field data
    field_File = open(filepath, "r")

    if fieldmap_dim == 3:
        Header_Type = np.dtype(
                ("Nz", "int32"),
                ("Zmax", "float64"),
                ("Nx", "int32"),
                ("Xmin", "float64"),
                ("Xmax", "float64"),
                ("Ny", "int32"),
                ("Ymin", "float64"),
                ("Ymax", "float64"),
                ("Norm", "float64"),
        THeader = np.fromfile(field_File, dtype=Header_Type, count=1)
        Nz = THeader["Nz"][0]
        Zmax = THeader["Zmax"][0]
        Nx = THeader["Nx"][0]
        Xmin = THeader["Xmin"][0]
        Xmax = THeader["Xmax"][0]
        Ny = THeader["Ny"][0]
        Ymin = THeader["Ymin"][0]
        Ymax = THeader["Ymax"][0]
        Norm = THeader["Norm"][0]
        Header = np.zeros(len(THeader))
        Header = np.array([Nz, Zmax, Nx, Xmin, Xmax, Ny, Ymin, Ymax, Norm])

    elif fieldmap_dim == 2:
        Header_Type = np.dtype([("Nz", "int32"), ("Zmax", "float64"), ("Nx", "int32"), ("Xmax", "float64"), ("Norm", "float64")])
        THeader = np.fromfile(field_File, dtype=Header_Type, count=1)
        Nz = THeader["Nz"][0]
        Zmax = THeader["Zmax"][0]
        Nx = THeader["Nx"][0]
        Xmax = THeader["Xmax"][0]
        Norm = THeader["Norm"][0]
        Header = np.zeros(len(THeader))
        Header = np.array([Nz, Zmax, Nx, Xmax, Norm])

    elif fieldmap_dim == 1:
        Header_Type = np.dtype([("Nz", "int32"), ("Zmax", "float64"), ("Norm", "float32")])
        Header = np.fromfile(field_File, dtype=Header_Type, count=1)
        Nz = THeader["Nz"][0]
        Zmax = THeader["Zmax"][0]
        Norm = THeader["Norm"][0]
        Header = np.zeros(len(THeader))

    Field_Type = np.dtype("float32")

    Nf = int(Nz + 1)
    if fieldmap_dim == 2:
        Nf *= int(Nx + 1)
    elif fieldmap_dim == 3:
        Nf *= int(Ny + 1) * int(Nx + 1)

    Field = np.fromfile(field_File, dtype=Field_Type, count=Nf)

    return Header, Field

def _read_ascii_fieldmap(filepath, interpolate=None):
    filepath: string
        path to the ASCII fieldmap file including the path, file name and extension

    a list containing Header and Field
    Header: 1D array of size 3, 5, 9 (for 1D, 2D and 3D fieldmaps)
        TraceWin fieldmap header info
    Field: 1D numpy array containing the nD field data
    from ess import TraceWin

    fmap = TraceWin.field_map(filepath)

    if interpolate:
    Fieldmap = np.array(fmap.get_flat_fieldmap())
    Header = np.array(fmap.header)
    return Header, Fieldmap

[docs]def read_fieldmap(filepath: str, fieldmap_dim: int, file_type: str): """ parameters ---------- filepath: string path to the binary fieldmap file including the path, file name and extension fieldmap_dim: int dimension of the fieldmap, 1, 2 and 3 for 1D, 2D and 3D TraceWin formatted fieldmap file_type: str 'b' for binary and 'a' for ascii fieldmap files. returns ------- a list containing Header and Field Header: 1D array of size 3, 5, 9 (for 1D, 2D and 3D fieldmaps) TraceWin fieldmap header info Field: 1D numpy array containing the nD field data """ if file_type == "b": header, field = _read_binary_fieldmap(filepath, fieldmap_dim) elif file_type == "a": header, field = _read_ascii_fieldmap(filepath) else: raise ValueError("file_type should be a for ascii or b for binary") return header, field
[docs]def cut_fieldmap_length( filepath: str, fieldmap_dim: int, entrance_rows_cut: int, exit_rows_cut: int, file_type: str, ): """ parameters ---------- filepath: string path to the fieldmap file (ASCII or binary) including the path, file name and extension fieldmap_dim: int dimension of the fieldmap, 1, 2 and 3 for 1D, 2D and 3D TraceWin formatted fieldmap entrance_rows_cut: int number of data rows to be removed from array from the entrance side of the field exit_rows_cut: int number of data rows to be removed from array from the exit side of the field file_type: str 'b' for binary and 'a' for ascii fieldmap files. returns ------- a list containing Header and Field Header: 1D array of size 3, 5, 9 (for 1D, 2D and 3D fieldmaps) TraceWin fieldmap header info Field: 1D numpy array containing the nD field data with only the remaining rows raises ------ prints a message if the file_type is not specified to be a (ascii) or b (binary) todo ------- cutting the field in other directions """ Header, Field = read_fieldmap(filepath, fieldmap_dim, file_type) lowx = np.arange(0, int(entrance_rows_cut)) # list of rows to be removed from the entrance side highx = np.arange(int(Header[0] + 1 - exit_rows_cut), int(Header[0] + 1)) # list of rows to be removed from the exit side newNz = (Header[0] + 1) - entrance_rows_cut - exit_rows_cut # new number of field data points after removal of rows stepZ = Header[1] / Header[0] # depending the dimension of the field the fieldmap is reshaped for line removal if fieldmap_dim == 1: newlength = newNz elif fieldmap_dim == 2: Fieldmapmatrix = np.reshape(Field, (int(Header[0] + 1), int(Header[2] + 1))) newlength = newNz * (Header[2] + 1) elif fieldmap_dim == 3: Fieldmapmatrix = np.reshape(Field, (int(Header[0] + 1), int((Header[2] + 1) * (Header[5] + 1)))) newlength = newNz * (Header[2] + 1) * (Header[5] + 1) if entrance_rows_cut > 0 and exit_rows_cut > 0: x = np.delete(Fieldmapmatrix, (lowx, highx), axis=0) elif entrance_rows_cut == 0: x = np.delete(Fieldmapmatrix, (highx), axis=0) elif exit_rows_cut == 0: x = np.delete(Fieldmapmatrix, (lowx), axis=0) # reshaping the array back to a 1D array ShortenedMatrix = np.reshape(x, int(newlength)) # creating new header data (if other directions are added to the cut fuction the header for those have # to be rewritten too) Header[0] = newNz - 1 Header[1] = stepZ * (newNz - 1) return Header, ShortenedMatrix
[docs]def field_on_axis(header, field, fieldmap_dim: int, x_on_axis: float = 0, y_on_axis: float = 0): """ parameters ---------- header: 1D numpy array of size 3, 5, 9 (for 1D, 2D and 3D field maps) TraceWin field map header info field: 1D numpy array containing the nD field data fieldmap_dim: int dimension of the field map, 1, 2, 3 for 1D, 2D and 3D field maps in TraceWin format x_on_axis: float Field is given for x=x_on_axis [default 0] y_on_axis: float Field is given for y=y_on_axis [default 0] returns ------- returns a 2D array containing the z coordinates and the field on axis in the z direction Take a 2D or 3D field map as a 1D numpy array (as from TraceWin) in MV/m, dimension of the field map, returns the field on-axis in the z direction example: field_on_axis(header, field, 3) """ import numpy if fieldmap_dim == 1: if x_on_axis or y_on_axis: raise ValueError("Cannot define nonzero x/y for 1D field map") return field elif fieldmap_dim == 2: Nz, Nrx = header[0], header[2] field_map_matrix = np.reshape(field, (int(Nz + 1), int(Nrx + 1))) midpoint = 0 elif fieldmap_dim == 3: Nz, Nrx, Ny = header[0], header[2], header[5] field_map_matrix = np.reshape(field, (int(Nz + 1), int((Nrx + 1) * (Ny + 1)))) midpoint = int((Nrx + 1) * (Ny + 1) / 2) dx_steps = 0 dy_steps = 0 if x_on_axis: dx = (header[4] - header[3]) / (Nrx + 1) dx_steps = int(x_on_axis / dx) if y_on_axis: dy = (header[7] - header[6]) / (Ny + 1) dy_steps = int(y_on_axis / dy) midpoint += int(dx_steps + (Nrx + 1) * dy_steps) dz = header[1] / Nz field_on_axis = numpy.zeros((2, int(Nz) + 1)) for i in range(int(Nz + 1)): field_on_axis[0, i] = i * dz field_on_axis[1, :] = field_map_matrix[:, midpoint] return field_on_axis
[docs]def field_on_axis_from_file(file_path, fieldmap_dim: int, file_type: str): """ parameters ---------- file_path: string name of the field map file including its path and extension fieldmap_dim: int dimension of the field map, 1, 2, 3 for 1D, 2D and 3D field maps in TraceWin format file_type: string 'b' for binary and 'a' for ascii field map files. returns ------- returns a 2D array containing the z coordinates and the field on axis in the z direction Take a 2D or 3D fieldmap as a 1D numpy array (as from TraceWin) in MV/m, dimension of the fieldmap, returns the field on-axis in the z direction example: field_on_axis_from_file('Data/FM/HB_W_coupler.edz', 3, 'b') """ Header, Field = read_fieldmap(file_path, fieldmap_dim, file_type) return field_on_axis(Header, Field, fieldmap_dim)
[docs]def convert_3d_to_1d(path: str, map_name: str, map_type: str = "electric", file_type: str = "a", dist_from_axis: float = 0.0): """ parameters --------- path: str path to the field map map_name: str name of field map map_type: str electric [default] or magnetic file_type: str 'b' for binary and 'a' for ascii field map files. dist_from_axis: float In case of magnetic quadrupole field, the distance from axis where field is read (T/m). Unit m. Ignored if map_type is electric. returns ------- Saves 1D field map to file. Currently overwriting automatically (renaming original) so careful. Example: fieldmap.convert_3d_to_1d('mebt', 'MEBT_Q', 'magnetic', 'a', 0.003) """ if map_type == "electric": dist_from_axis = 0 file_end = "edz" file_end_out = "edz" elif map_type == "magnetic": if dist_from_axis: file_end = "bsy" else: file_end = "bsz" file_end_out = "bsz" else: raise ValueError(f"Wrong map_type: {map_type}") file_path = "" file_name = f"{map_name}.{file_end}" for f in os.listdir(path): if f == file_name: file_path = os.path.join(path, f) if not file_path: raise ValueError(f"Could not find the map {map_name}") header, field = read_fieldmap(file_path, 3, file_type) if map_type == "electric": dist_from_axis = 0 field_1d = field_on_axis(header, field, 3, x_on_axis=dist_from_axis)[1] if dist_from_axis: # Here we give T/m rather than T given for 3D field map field_1d = (field_1d - field_on_axis(header, field, 3)[1]) / dist_from_axis header_1d = np.array([header[0], header[1], header[-1]]) file_path_out = f"{file_path[:-4]}_1D.{file_end_out}" save_to_ascii(header_1d, field_1d, file_path_out) print(f"1D field map saved as {file_path_out}")
[docs]def save_to_ascii(Header, Field, output_filepath: str): """ Saves a TraceWin readable ASCII file Parameters ---------- Header: array like 1D array of size (3, 5 or 9) for 1D, 2D or 3D fieldmap header info, TraceWin format Field: array like 1D array of size Nz fieldmap containing field data output_filepath: string path to the output file """ # The dimension is defined from the size of the Header: if len(Header) == 3: fieldmap_dim = 1 elif len(Header) == 5: fieldmap_dim = 2 elif len(Header) == 9: fieldmap_dim = 3 else: raise ValueError("Wrong length of header, cannot write {}".format(output_filepath)) with open(output_filepath, "w") as out_file: # stepZ = Header[1] / Header[0] # stepZ = Zmax / Nz out_file.write("{0[0]:.0f} {0[1]}\n".format(Header)) if fieldmap_dim == 1: out_file.write("{}\n".format(Header[2])) elif fieldmap_dim == 2: out_file.write("{0[2]:.0f} {0[3]}\n".format(Header)) out_file.write("{}\n".format(Header[4])) elif fieldmap_dim == 3: out_file.write("{0[2]:.0f} {0[3]} {0[4]}\n".format(Header)) out_file.write("{0[5]:.0f} {0[6]} {0[7]}\n".format(Header)) out_file.write("{}\n".format(Header[8])) for fval in Field: out_file.write("{:g}\n".format(fval))
[docs]def batch_convert_to_ascii(binary_field_path: str, fieldmap_dim: int): """ parameters ---------- binary_field_path: string path to the binary files to be converted to ASCII format fieldmap_dim: int dimension of the fieldmap to be converted """ onlyfiles = [f for f in os.listdir(binary_field_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(binary_field_path, f))] for f in onlyfiles: if f[0] != ".": Header, Field = _read_binary_fieldmap(os.path.join(binary_field_path, f), fieldmap_dim) save_to_ascii(Header, Field, os.path.join(binary_field_path, "ASCII", f)) return
[docs]def unify_grid_size(old_x: list, old_y: list, new_x: list, kind="linear", save_to_file=None): """ Takes a mesh as x values and the corresponding values of a function. creates a spline interpolation for those data sets. Using a new_x it returns the correcposnding new_y. Could be used to convert an irregular mesh to a regular mesh or to increase the number of mesh points parameters ---------- old_x: list, old_y: list, new_x: list kind: str An integer specifying the order of the spline interpolator to use. Default is ‘linear’. - ‘linear’, ‘nearest’, ‘zero’, ‘slinear’, ‘quadratic’, ‘cubic’: refer to a spline interpolation of zeroth, first, second or third order - ‘previous’ or ‘next’: return the previous or next value of the point save_to_file: str If given, file name where this should be saved. Returns ------- new_y: list """ from scipy import interpolate f = interpolate.interp1d(old_x, old_y, kind) new_y = f(new_x) if save_to_file is not None: field = np.zeros((2, len(new_x))) field[0, :] = new_x field[1, :] = new_y np.savetxt(save_to_file, np.transpose(field), delimiter="\t") return new_y
[docs]def batch_cut_fieldmap( fieldmaps_path: str, fieldmap_dim: int, entrance_rows_cut: int, exit_rows_cut: int, file_type: str, ): """ Saves a TraceWin readable ASCII file parameters ---------- fieldmaps_ path: string path to the fieldmap folder (ASCII or binary) excluding the trailing / and filename fieldmap_dim: int dimension of the fieldmap, 1, 2 and 3 for 1D, 2D and 3D TraceWin formatted fieldmap entrance_rows_cut: int number of data rows to be removed from array from the entrance side of the field exit_rows_cut: int number of data rows to be removed from array from the exit side of the field file_type: str 'b' for binary and 'a' for ascii fieldmap files. """ onlyfiles = [f for f in os.listdir(fieldmaps_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(fieldmaps_path, f))] out_path = "ASCII" full_out_path = os.path.join(fieldmaps_path, out_path) if not os.path.exists(full_out_path): os.makedirs(full_out_path) for f in onlyfiles: if f[0] != ".": filepath = os.path.join(fieldmaps_path, f) if entrance_rows_cut + exit_rows_cut > 0: Header, Field = cut_fieldmap_length(filepath, fieldmap_dim, entrance_rows_cut, exit_rows_cut, file_type) save_to_ascii(Header, Field, os.path.join(fieldmaps_path, "ASCII", f))
[docs]def uniform_mesh(mesh: list): """ parameters ---------- mesh: list a 1D array which is the coordinate values of the field returns ------- tuple a tuple containing a boolean (if the mesh is uniform or not), mesh_size (average to reduce the effect of floating point error), and the number of steps from min to max (n numbers would result in n-1) """ unique = np.unique(mesh, return_counts=False) mesh_check = np.zeros(len(unique) - 1) for i in range(1, len(unique)): mesh_check[i - 1] = unique[i] - unique[i - 1] mesh_check, mesh_size = np.unique(mesh_check, return_counts=True) if np.abs(max(mesh_check)) > np.abs(min(mesh_check)) * 1.001: print("Mesh size differs by more than 0.1%, should be fixed") return False, mesh_check, sum(mesh_size) else: return True, np.average(mesh_check), sum(mesh_size)
[docs]def create_tw_fieldmap( fieldmaps_path: str, tabular_file_name: str, fieldmap_dim: int = 1, n_col: int = 1, skiprows: int = 0, comments: str = "#", extensions=["F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6"], xyz=[1, 2, 3], delimiter=None, ): """ parameters --------- fieldmaps_path: str path to the fieldmap tabular_file_name: file name tabular data with coordinates z, x and y or z and r or only z depending on dimension as first 1-3 cols. n_col is the number of data columns except coordinate ones (1-6) coordinates should be on a uniform grid on each axis (but different axes are independent) fieldmap_dim: int dimension of the fieldmap data n_col: int number of data columns in fieldmap skiprows: int number of header lines to skip comments: str Comment lines start with this character extensions: list list of column names to be used for naming the files, default is [F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6] xyz: list order of columns, xyz = [col_number(x), col), col_number(y), col_number(z)] e.g.if column 1 is x, col 2 is y and col 3 is z, xyz list = [1,2,3] (default) delimiter: string Delimiter character that separates columns. Default is whitespace """ if len(xyz) < fieldmap_dim: print("xyz array is shorter than the number of dimensions") return tabular_file_with_path = os.path.join(fieldmaps_path, tabular_file_name) field_array = np.loadtxt(tabular_file_with_path, delimiter=delimiter, skiprows=skiprows, comments=comments) items_per_row = np.array([[2, 1, 0, 0], [2, 2, 1, 0], [2, 3, 3, 1]]) # for 1D, 2D and 3D fields in an ASCII fieldmap in TraceWin format l_header = np.sum(items_per_row[fieldmap_dim - 1, :], axis=0) # getting the length of the header from the items Header = np.zeros(l_header) # sort first on x coordinate, then y and then z for TraceWin fieldmap for i in range(0, fieldmap_dim): coor = field_array[:, xyz[i] - 1] chk_mesh, d_mesh, n_mesh = uniform_mesh(coor) if chk_mesh: if i == fieldmap_dim - 1: Header[0] = n_mesh Header[1] = max(coor) - min(coor) # \n if fieldmap_dim == 1: Header[2] = 1 # \n elif fieldmap_dim == 2: if i == fieldmap_dim - 2: Header[2] = n_mesh Header[3] = max(coor) - min(coor) # \n Header[4] = 1 # \n elif fieldmap_dim == 3: if i == fieldmap_dim - 2: Header[2] = n_mesh Header[3] = min(coor) Header[4] = max(coor) # \n elif i == fieldmap_dim - 3: Header[5] = n_mesh Header[6] = min(coor) Header[7] = max(coor) # \n Header[8] = 1 # \n else: # fieldmap_dim > 3 or fieldmap_dim < 1: print("Invalid dimension, should be 0, 1 or 2") return ordr = np.argsort(coor, kind="mergesort") field_array = field_array[ordr, :] filename_wo_ext = os.path.splitext(tabular_file_name)[0] for i in range(fieldmap_dim, fieldmap_dim + n_col): save_to_ascii( Header, field_array[:, i], os.path.join(fieldmaps_path, filename_wo_ext + "." + extensions[i - fieldmap_dim]), )